PT Arion Indonesia, Kota Malang

Tentang Perusahaan PT Arion Indonesia

PT. Arion Indonesia merupakan perusahaan produsen Laboratorium Bahasa dan Peralatan IT. Kami menyediakan berbagai jenis dan tipe Lab Bahasa, Software Lab Bahasa, Running Text, Scanner LJK, Video Wall, Videotron, Digital Signage, Data Center, Command Center, Interactive Whiteboard, Safety Equipment, dan Smart Classroom.

Info Perusahaan PT Arion Indonesia

Alamat Perusahaan:Jl. Lodan No 129 Malang
Bidang Industri:Perusahaan Jasa
Bahasa Yang Digunakan:
Website Perusahaan:
Bergabung Sejak:24/4/2024
Benefit Karyawan
    Galeri Perusahaan
    Video Perusahaan


    The AliStudio Design team has a vision to establish a trusted platform that enables productive and healthy enterprises in a world of digital and remote everything, constantly changing work patterns and norms, and the need for organizational resiliency.

    The ideal candidate will have strong creative skills and a portfolio of work which demonstrates their passion for illustrative design and typography. This candidate will have experiences in working with numerous different design platforms such as digital and print forms.


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